“Index” in “The Colonial Records of the State of Georgia: Entry Books of Commissions, Powers, Instructions, Leases, Grants of Land, Etc. by the Trustees 1732-1738 - Volume 32”
Account, of Trustees funds, March 1733/34, 84-86, 130-135
how Parliamentary funds spent, 222-225, 256-257
abstract for 1735, 202-209
1736, 226-231
1737, 258-263
Addison, Edward, appointed third bailiff of Frederica, 181
Agriculture and botany, funds for, 135
Aglionby, William, land grant, 210, 232
Allen, William, appointed tything man of Frederica, 182
Altamaha River, settlement of Scots at, 153-154
S. C. grants south of, 195-196
Amatis, Nicholas, land grant, 87
Ambrose, John, land grant, 63-67
to grant land to settlers, 167
to set out land, 88
Amory, John, land grant, 249, 264
Anderson, Hugh, appointed inspector of public gardens, 212
Ann, charter party to take settlers to Ga., 18-20
Apothecarys, Company of, pay for botanist, 95
Auditor of Plantations, Trustee memorial to, 69
Augsburg, troubles of Salzburgers at, 93-94
Augustine, Walter, land grant, 186, 206
Ayers, Capt., brings settlers to Ga., 265
Bailiff of Savannah, Robert Gilbert appointed, 268-269
Bailiffs, appointed for Savannah, 12-14, 110-112
Bailiffs of Frederica, grant of land for soldiers, 275-278 289
Bailiffs and recorder of Savannah, to grant licenses to retail wine and beer, 176-177
Bailiffs of Savannah, land grant for incoming settlers, 271-275
Baillie, Capt., brings settlers to Ga., 89
Baillie, John, land grant, 61, 78-79, 88
Baillie, Thomas, land grant, 159-160, 206
Baker, John, land grant, 187, 207
Baker, Samuel, letter of attorney from Samuel Eveleigh, 253-254
Baker, William, letter of attorney from Samuel Eveleigh, 253-254
Ball, Papillon, Robert Williams, letter of attorney to, 248-249
Barnes, John, appointed constable for Savannah, 49-50
land grant, 50-53
to grant land to settlers, 167
Barnwell’s Bluff, settlement of Scots at, 153-154
Bateman, William, land grant, 83, 88
Bathurst, Elizabeth Peacock, land rights, 100-106
Bathurst, Dame Frances, land rights, 100-106
Bathurst, Sir Francis, land grant, 90, 98, 100-106, 126
Bathurst, Martha, land rights, 100-106
Bathurst, Mary, land rights, 100-106
Bathurst, Robert, land rights, 100-106
Beaufort, S. C., Ann to sail to, 18-20
Bishop, Philip, land grant, 33, 75
Blair, David, land grant, 211, 232
Boltzius, John Martin, authorized to perform religious services in Ga., 80
Botanist, Robert Millar’s contract as, 94-98
Robert Millar, 215-218
See William Houstoun
Botany and agriculture, funds for, 135
Bovery, Mrs. Margaret, land grant, 115-120
Boyd, Thomas, land grant, 212, 232
Bradley, William, land grant, 195, 207
overseer of Trust servants, 246-247
Brigham, George, land grant, 90, 136
Brookes, John, appointed constable of Frederica, 181
Brown, John, land grant, 188, 207
Brownfield, John, to grant land to settlers, 154-159, 161-162, 206
appointed register of grants, 183-184
instructions in case of death, 213
Brownjohn, William, appointed constable for Savannah, 49-50
Buckman, George, appointed constable for Thorpe, 61-62
to set out land, 88
Calvert, William, to grant land to new settlers, 3-9, 167
Calwell, John, appointed tything man of Frederica, 181-182
Campechy, botanist to visit, 2
Cannon, Trustees petition for, 150-151
Carolina, settlers from, 208
Carteret, James, land grant, 266
Carthagena, botanist to visit, 2
Causton, Thomas, third bailiff of Savannah, 12-14
conservator of the peace, 14-15
second bailiff, 110-111
to set out land for settlers, 107-110
accounts, 135
to grant land, 136, 165-172, 206
first bailiff, 163-164
to stave rum, 175-176
land grant for religious purposes, 200-201, 231
Chardon, Isaac, accounts, 135
Charity settlers, land grants for, 154-159
number arrived, 207-208
number sent, 232-233
number by 1737, 265
Christie, Thomas, to grant land to new settlers, 3-9, 136, 165-172, 206
recorder of Savannah, 12-14
conservator of the peace for Savannah, 14-15
to set out land for settlers, 75, 86, 107-110
land grant for religious purposes, 200-201, 231
Church and burying place, to be set out, 86
Church at Savannah, instructions for building, 279
Clarke, Isaac King, land grant, 63-67
to set out land, 88
to grant land to settlers, 167
Clarke, John, appointed Secretary of Indian Affairs in Ga., 267-268
Coates, John, land to make potash, 21-27, 34-35
to set out land, 86
Cochran, Betty, right to inherit land in Ga., 252
Cochran, Caroline, right to inherit land in Ga., 252
Cochran, Lt. Col. James, land grant, 252, 264
Cochran, Mary Ann, right to inherit land in Ga., 252
Coins, Trustees petition to send to Ga., 151
Coke, John, Trustee petition for funds, 139
Compton, Capt., brings settlers to Ga., 137
Conservators of the peace, appointed for Savannah, 14-15
Constables, appointed for Savannah, 12-14, 49-50
Constables of Savannah, to seize any Negroes in Ga., 177-178
Cook, Ann, petition about lot in Ga., 267
Cook, Susannah, petition about her holding land, 267
Cook, Major William, land grant, 255, 264
petition about daughter’s lot, 267
Cornish, Capt., brings settlers to Ga., 89, 208
Court, Town, for Savannah, created, 10-12, 14
Creek Indians, negotiations with, 71-74, 125-126
Cuthbert, John, settlement of Scots, 153-154
Dalmas, William Johnson, appointed constable for Thorpe, 61-62
Dauburg, Capt., brings settlers to Ga., 208
Daubuz, Capt., brings settlers to Ga., 89
Davison, Samuel, appointed constable of Frederica, 181
Dearne, Henry, appointed third bailiff of Savannah, 165
to grant land to settlers, 165-172, 206
Defense of Georgia, Trustees petition for cannon, etc., 150-151
Delafons, George, comes to Ga., 137
Derby, Earl of, pay for botanist, 95
Dietzius, Andreas Godofredus, land grant, 136
Dolphin, brings settlers to Ga., 208
Du Bois, Charles, pay for botanist, 95
Dunbar, Capt. George, brings settlers to Ga., 137, 208
to aid in securing Highlanders, 143-144
instructions for bringing Scots to Ga., 152-154
instructins about Germans coming to Ga., 283
Dymond, Capt., brings settlers to Ga., 137, 208
Edgecombe, Arthur Ogle, appointed tythingman for Thorpe, 61-62
land grant, 63-67
to set out land, 88
to grant land to settlers, 167
Egmont, Earl of, answer to Indian visitors, 129
Eveleigh, Samuel, letter of attorney to Samuel and William Baker, 253-254
Fawsatt, Thomas, land grant, 53-55, 76-77, 87
Fitzwalter, Joseph, appointed constable of Savannah, 12-14
Fletcher, Henry, land grant, 39, 76
Florida-Georgia boundary, petitions about, 286-287
Florida-South Carolina boundary, petitions about, 286-287
Foreign protestants, number arrived, 207-208
Foreigners for Ga., instructions about securing, 281-283
Frederica, town court of created, 178-180
town officers appointed, 180-183
George Whitefield to perform religious services at, 251
land grant for religious purposes, 263, 269-270
grant of land for soldiers, 275-278
French, negotiations with Georgia Indians, 125
Fry, Capt., brings settlers to Ga., 89
Funds for the Trustees, petition for, 58-59, 98-99, 139-140, 220-222, 254-255, 285-286
voted by Parliament, 129, 209-210, 211
voted by Parliament, how spent, 198-200, 222-225, 256-257
Gascoigne, Capt. James, land grant, 187, 206
cruize to Ga., 153
George Second, King, answer to Indian visitors, 138-139
Georgia Pink, brings settlers to Ga., 208, 265
Georgia’s southern boundary, petitions about, 286-287
Geraldino, Don Tomas, complaints about Ga. actions, 213-215
German settlers, Rev. Samuel Urlsperger to secure, 91-93
George Lewis Wentz to secure as servants, 123-124
funds to pay for bringing to Ga., 128, 134, 135
coming to Ga., 283
Gilbert, Robert, appointed third bailiff at Savannah, 268-269
Glebe, set out, 86
Gloucester, Bishop of, ordination of George Whitefield as deacon, 250-251
Godofredus, Andreas, land grant, 100
Gordon, Katherine, surrenders lot in Savannah, 265-266
Gordon, Peter, first bailiff of Savannah, 12-14
conservator of the peace for Savannah, 14-15
to set out land for settlers, 107-110
removed as first bailiff of Savannah, 163-164
surrenders lot in Savannah, 265-266
Gough, William, Jr., land grant, 37, 75-76
Gough, William, Sr., land grant, 37, 75-76
Graham, Patrick, land grant, 210, 232
Grant, Andrew, land grant, 64, 78-79, 88
Grants, register of appointed, 183-184
Guardian, for an infant, 114
Hamilton, Paul, land grant, 186, 206
Harold, Countess of, Trustee petition for funds, 139
Harrison, Charles, to set out land, 86
land to make potash, 21-27, 34-35
Haselfoot, James, land grant, 83, 88
Hawkins, Thomas, first bailiff of Frederica, 180-181
land grant for religious purposes, 263, 269-270
Hay, Robert, land grant, 250, 264
Heathcote, George, pay for botanist, 95
accounts, 135
Herbert, Dr. Henry, clergyman for Ga., 20
Heron, Capt. Alexander, land grant, 266
Hetherington, Joseph, land grant, 32, 75
Hetherington, Robert, land grant, 38-39, 77, 87
petition to assign land to Thomas Fawsatt, 53-55
Hetherington, Theophilus, land grant, 33, 77, 86
petition to assign land to Thomas Fawsatt, 53-55
Hewitt, Capt., brings settlers to Ga., 265
instructions for bringing Germans to Ga., 283
Hillispylli, expenses of visit to England, 126-127
Trustees’ answer to, 129
King’s answer to, 138-139
Hind, Thomas, land grant for religious purposes, 263, 269-270
Hodges, Richard, conservator of the peace for Savannah, 14-15
Holmes, Samuel, land grant, 39-43, 76, 87
Horton, William, land grant, 187, 207
land grant for religious purposes, 263, 269-270
Hossack, John, to aid in sending Scots to Ga., 152-154
House of Commons, Trustee petition to for funds, 120-122, 220-222, 254-255, 285-286, 287
House of Lords, petition about Ga. boundary, 286-287
Houstoun, James, land grant, 79, 80-81, 88
Houstoun, Patrick, land grant, 57, 77, 87
Houstoun, William, Trustee Botanist, 1-3, 94-95
letter of attorney to Philip Miller, 56-57
Hughes, Joseph, to grant land to new settlers, 3-9, 167
land grant to widow of, 188-193
Indian act, S. C. opposes, 218-219
Indian affairs, treaty with Lower Creeks, 71-74
secretary for appointed, 267-268
Indian negotiations, Trustees ask for expenses of, 125-126
Indian trade, with Lower Creeks, 72-74; 172-175
Charles Wesley appointed secretary, 173-174
Indian traders, S. C. ordinance about disallowed, 283-285
Indian visit to England, 126-127, 129, 134
Inheritance of land, right of women in Ga., 36, 54, 55, 65, 98, 100-106, 252, 267
allowed by will, 255-256
Insane, treatment of in Ga., 112-114
Jamaica, botanist to visit, 2
James, brings settlers to Ga., 208
Jenkins, Edward, land grant, 48-49, 87
Jenys, Paul, land grant, 186, 207
Jones, Noble, appointed conservator of the peace for Savannah, 14-15
Jones, Thomas, instructions as storekeeper, 278-279
Justus, slave of John Musgrove killed by Joseph Watson, 113
King George, brings settlers to Ga., 265
Kramer, John Mathias, instructions about securing foreigners for Ga., 281-283
Lacy, James, land grant, 27-32, 75
licence to remain in England, 37-38
Lacy, Roger, land grant, 32, 75
provisions about inheritance of his land, 55-56
Lamb, Peniston, Trustree petition for funds, 139
Lambe, Bulfinch, land grant, 99-100, 126
Land, reserved or servants, 207, 232, 264
Land grant, for religious purposes, 200-201, 231, 269-270
Land granted, report of March 21, 1733/34, 86-88
June-Jan. 1734, 136
Land granting, original Trustee regulations, 4-7
Land grants, for charity settlers, 154-159
for new settlers, 3-9, 165-172, 206
full grants, 4-7, 21-27, 27-32, 33-34, 35-37, 39-43, 43-48, 80-81, 100-106, 115-120, 144-149, 149-150, 188-193, 235-242, 272-275, 276-278
Land inheritance, rights of women, 36, 54, 55, 65, 98, 100-106, 252, 267
allowed by will, 255-256
Leaving Ga., Oglethorpe to grant licenses, 162
Licence to remian in England, granted to James Lacy, 37-38
Licenses, for Indian trade, 172-175
Licences to leave Ga., to be granted by James Oglethorpe, 9-10, 162
authorized, 74
Little, William, guardian for, 114
Logwood, botanist to find out about, 3
London Merchant, brings settlers to Ga., 208
Lunatic, treatment of in Ga., 112-114
Lusk, Capt., brings settlers to Ga., 137, 208
MacGillivray, Archibald, land grant, 185, 206
Mackay, Lt. Hugh, instructions for Highlanders to come to Ga., 141-144
to aid in sending Scots to Ga., 152-154
Mackay, John, land grant, 161, 206
Mackay, Patrick, land grant, 160, 206
MacLeod, Rev. John, authorization to perform religious services in Ga., 194-195
Marcer, Samuel, guardian for William Little, 114
Mary Ann, brings settlers to Ga., 265
Medicinal plants, botanist to find out about, 2-3
Miffant, Capt., brings settlers to GA., 89
Militia officers, to be appointed by James Oglethorpe, 17-18, 162-163
Millar, Andrew, letter of attorney from Robert Millar, 83, 218
Millar, Robert, letter of attorney to Andrew Millar, 83
Trustee botanist, 94-98, 215-218
Miller, Philip, letter of attorney from William Houstoun to, 56-57
Minerva, brings settlers to Ga., 265
Missionary for Ga., support of by SPG, 219-220
Money, Trustees position to send coins to Ga., 151
Moore, Francis, appointed recorder of Frederica, 181
Moore, George, land grant, 57-58, 77, 87
Moravians, land grant for Count Zinzendorf, 112
funds for, 135
come to Ga., 233
Mulberry trees, white, botanist to know about cultivation, 3
Murdered, treatment of in Ga., 113
Musgrove, John, slave killed by Joseph Watson, 113
Naval officer in Ga., appointed, 184-185
Negroes, to be seized by constables of Savannah, 177-178
Nickleson, Capt., brings settlers to Ga., 265
Norris, Rev. William, authorized to perform religious services in Ga., 280-281
Officials, to be sworn in by James Oglethorpe, 15-17
appointed for the village of Thorpe, 61-62
Oglethorpe, James, to give orders about granting of land, 8-9, 66-67, 70-71, 75-78, 78-80, 161-162, 171-172
authorized to grant licences to leave Ga., 9-10, 74, 162
to administer oaths to Georgia officials, 15-17, 182-183
to appoint militia officers, 17-18, 162-163
authorized to set out land, 34-35, 52-53, 65-66, 69-70, 78-80, 159, 170-171
pay for botanist, 95
settlement of Scots, 153-154
to grant licenses for Indian trade, 172-173
Oglethorpe’s regiment, land for soldiers in, 264, 275-278
Original settlers, charter party for voyage on Ann, 18-20
Ormston, Thomas, land grant, 209, 231
Ortman, Christopher, to grant land, 67-71, 88, 167
Parker, Henry, constable for Savannah, 49-50
land grant, 50-53, 136, 165-172, 206
to set out land, 76, 87, 107-110
third bailiff, 111-112
first bailiff of Savannah, 164-165
land grant for religious purposes, 200-201, 231
Parker, Robert, Sr., chief constable of Thorpe, 61-62
Parker, Samuel, appointed constable of Savannah, 12-14
Parliamentary grant of funds, 209-210, 211, 234-235, 270-271, 280, 283-286
how spent, 198-200, 222-225, 256-257
Pember, Herbert, land grant to widow of, 149-150
Pember, Mary, land grant, 149-150, 206
Pennefather, John, land grant, 35-37, 75
Penrose, John, appointed tything man of Savannah, 12-14
Perkins, Samuel, to grant land to settlers, 154-159, 161-162, 206
appointed second bailiff of Frederica, 181
Peter & James, brings settlers to Ga., 208
Petition to the King, to prevent S. C. granting lands south of the Altamaha River, 195-196
Petre, Lord, payment for botanist, 1-2, 95
Pinkerton, Henry, land grant, 33-34, 75, 86
Polhill, Nathaniel, land grant, 82, 88
Potash, land leased to make, 21-27
Pratt, Thomas, gives up land in Ga., 115-116
Preston, George, land grant, 252-253, 264
Prince of Wales, brings settlers to Ga., 208
Privy Council, Trustee petition to against S. C., 250
disallows S. C. ordiance about India traders, 283-285
Procter, Thomas, to grant land to settlers, 154-159, 161-162, 208
Protection against Spaniards, Trustee memorial on, 248
Protestants, foreign, number arrived, 207-208
Public gardens, Hugh Anderson appointed inspector, 212
Puerto Bello, botanist to visit, 2
Pytt, Rowland, land grant, 187-188, 207
license to remain in England, 193-194
fear of death of John Brownfield, 213
Quincy, Rev. Samuel, revocation of authority to perform religious services in Ga., 185
leaving Ga., 196-198
Quit rent, see land granting
Recorder, appointed for Savannah, 12-14
Register of grants, appointed, 183-184
Religion, Henry Herbert clergyman for Ga., 20
Rev. John MacLeod authorized to perform services, 194-195
salary for Rev. John Wesley, 196-198
land to support granted, 200-201, 231, 263, 269-270
George Whitefield authorized to perform services at Frederica, 251
instructions for building church at Savannah, 279
Rev. William Norris authorized to perform services in Ga., 280-281
Religious expenses, land grant to help provide for, 200-201, 231, 263, 269-270
Religious services, authority to perform granted, 185, 194-195, 251, 280-281
Reyner, William, land to make potash in Ga., 21-27, 34-35
to set out land, 86
Richmond & Lenox, Duke of, pay for botanist, 95
Riley, William, appointed tythingman for Thorpe, 61-62
Rum, Thomas Causton to stave, 175-176
St. Julian, James, authorized to set out land, 65, 69-70, 74-78, 78-80
to give orders about granting of land, 66-67, 70-71 74-78 78-80.
to license people to leave Ga., 74
Sacheverel, Joshua, land grant, 50-53
Sale, Elizabeth, right to inherit land, 65
Sale, William, to grant land, 65, 67-71, 78-79, 88, 167
Salmon, John, land to make potash, 21-27, 34-35
to set out land, 86
Salzburgers, Rev., Samuel Urlsperger may secure, 92-93
to be admitted to Augsburg, 93-94
Trustee petition for funds to settle, 120-121
Savannah, Town Court for created, 10-12
land for incoming settlers, 271-275
instructions for building church, 279
Scots, Hugh Mackay to secure, 141-144
instructions for bringing to Ga., 152-154
settlement at Altamaha, 153-154
Scots minister, for Ga., 153
Scots servants, desired for Ga., 153
Scott, Francis, conservator of the peace for Savannah, 14-15
to give orders about granting land, 65, 66-67, 69-70, 70-71, 74-78, 78-80
to license people to leave Ga., 74
Secretary, William Stephens instructions as, 243-246
Secretary of Indian Affairs in GA., John Clarke appointed, 267-268
Senauki, expenses of visit to England, 126-127
Trustees’ answer to, 129
King’s answers to, 138-139
Servants, George Lewis Wentz to secure German ones, 123-124
land reserved for, 136, 207, 232, 264
from America, 209
William Bradley as overseer in Ga., 246-247
instructions about securing foreign, 281-283
Settlers, charter party for voyage of Ann, 18-20
arrival of, 88-90, 111, 207-209, 232, 265
charity, number sent, 232-233, 265
from Carolina, 208
Seymour, Edward, land grant, 149-150
right to inherit land, 206
Shubrick, Capt., brings settlers to Ga., 265
Simond, brings settlers to Ga., 208
Simond, Peter & J. C., paid for passage, 137
Sloane, Sir Hans, pay for botanist, 95
Smith, Thomas, land to make potash, 21-27, 34-35
to set out land, 86
Smyter, Capt., brings settlers to Ga., 88
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge in the Highlands of Scotland, to secure Scots minister for Ga., 153
Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, petition for salary for Rev. John Wesley, 196-198
support of missionary for Ga., 219-220
Soldiers, land for in Ga., 264
South Carolina, relations with Creek Indians, 125-126
granting lands south of Altamaha River, 195-196
opposes Ga. Indian act, 218-219
Trustee petition against action, 250
ordiance about Indian traders disallowed, 283-285
South Carolina-Florida boundary, petitions about, 286-287
Spaniards, complaints against Ga. actions 213-215
Trustee memorial for protection against, 248
Standford, Cornelius, land grant, 48, 76, 87, 235-242
Stephens, Thomas, land grant, 235-242
Stephens, William, appointment as Secretary for Trust in Ga., 235-243
instructions as Secretary, 243-246
Stirling, Hugh, land grant, 79, 81-82, 88
Stirling, William, land grant, 79, 82, 88
Store, Trustees, people on, 138
Storekeeper, instructions to Thomas Jones, 278-279
Swiss protestants, funds for bringing to Ga., 128, 134, 135
Symes, George, conservator of the peace for Savannah, 14-15
Tail male, see land grantings
Tailfer, Patrick, land grant, 62, 78-79, 88
Terry, William, land grant, 68-69, 79, 88
Thanet, Earl of, Chairtable Request, Trustee petition for funds, 139
Thomas, Capt., brings settlers, to Ga., 88, 89, 208, 233, 265
Thomas, Capt. John, master of Ann, 18-20
Thomas, John, instructions for building church at Savannah, 279
Thorpe, Village of, created by Trustees, 59-62
Three Sisters, brings settlers to Ga., 265, 283
Tome-Chi-Chi, Indian negotiations, 125-126
expenses of visit to England, 126-127
Trustees’ answer to, 129
King’s answer to, 138-139
Tooahowi, expenses of visit to England, 126-127
Trustees’ answer to, 129
King’s answer to, 138-139
Treasury, Trustee petition for funds from, 98-99, 129, 139-140, 209-210, 211, 234-235, 270-271
Trustees Garden, Hugh Anderson appointed inspector, 212
Tuckwell, John, license to remain in England, 194
fear of death of John Brownfield, 213
Turner, James, appointed constable for Savannah, 49-50
Two Brothers, brings settlers to Ga., 208, 233, 265
Tything men, appointed for Savannah, 12-14
Umpychi, expenses of visit to England, 126-127
Trustees’ answer to, 129
King’s answer to, 138-139
Upton, Thomas, land grant, 233-234, 263
Urlsperger, Rev. Samuel, authorization to secure German settlers, 91-93
Vanderplank, John, appointed naval officer in Ga., 184-185
Vera Cruz, botanist to visit, 2
Verelst, Harman, to receive funds from treasury, 58-59, 127, 128, 140-141, 211, 280
Von Reck, Philip George Frederica, land grant, 187, 207
Wade, Edward, land grant, 136
Wardrope, Joseph, land grant, 82-83, 88
Waterland, William, second bailiff of Savannah, 12-14
conservator of the peace for Savannah, 14-15
Watson, Joseph, instructions about his treatment, 112-114
mental state, 234
Weddell, Austin, treasurer for Indian licenses, 174-175
Wentz, George Lewis, agreement to secure German servants, 123-124
Wesley, Charles, secretary of Indian trade, 173-174
Wesley, Rev. John, appointed to perform religious services in Ga., 185
petition for salary, 196-198
West, Elizabeth, land grant, 188-193, 207
West, John, appointed tything man of Savannah, 12-14
land grant, 188-193
land grant for religious purposes, 200-201, 231
Weston, Willes, land grant for religious purposes, 263, 269-270
Whitaker, brings settlers to Ga., 265
Whitefield, Rev. George, ordination as deacon, 250-251
authorized to perform religious services at Frederica, 251
Whiting, Capt., brings settlers to Ga., 265
Williams, John, land grant, 48, 76
Williams, Robert, land grant, 43-48, 76
letter of attorney to Papillon Ball, 248-249
Wine and beer, licenses to retail, 176-177
Women, right to inherit land in Ga., 36, 54, 55, 65, 98, 100-106, 252
land grants in Ga., 115-120, 149-150, 188-193, 206, 207
Wood, Capt., brings settlers to Ga., 89
Wood, William, land grant, 255-256, 264
Woodrooffe, William, land grant, 144-149, 205
Wragg, Samuel, part owner of Ann, 18-20
Yamacraw Indians, negotiations with, 125-126
Yoakley, Capt., brings settlers to Ga., 89, 137, 208
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