“Index of Proper Names” in “Henry Newman’s Salzburger Letterbooks”
Index of Authors 
Augsburg, Evangelical clergy of, 346
Roman Catholic Council of, 324, 452
Bavaria, Elector of. See Charles Albertus
Bishop, Henry, English lad indentured to Bolzius at Ebenezer, 538
Boltzius (Bolzius), John Martin, pastor at Ebenezer, 396, 402, 410, 481, 501, 535, 545, 546, 583-587
Butienter, German pastor in London, 388, 390, 395, 454
Carinthia, exiles from, 473, 550, 576
Charles Albertus, Elector of Bavaria, 309
Coram, Capt. Thomas, trustee of Georgia, 391, 395, 406, 408
Esterlin, Pastor, Lutheran minister in Regensburg, 300, 310
Eyss, John Christophel, Governor of Goldeck, 459
Fischer, Pastor, J. G., Lutheran minister of Salzburgers on Cadzand, 314
Francke, Gotthilf Augustus, professor at Halle, 398
Frankfurt, Mayor and Council of, 432, 433
Gallieries, Marines, Dutch ambassador at Regensburg, 274, 275, 282
Gastein (Salzburg), emigrants from, 344
Göbel, Johann, Prussian minister at Regensburg, 321, probably 246, 257, 258, 321, and other anonymous letters from Ratisbon and Salzburg
Gronau, Israel Christian, assistant pastor at Ebenezer, 396, 402, 410, 535, 545, 583-587
Guerdes, Henry Walther, pastor of the Swedish Church in London, 59, 478, 497, 509
Gullman, Mr., British resident at Frankfurt, 436
Hales, Stephen, Georgia Trustee, 46
Harrington, Lord (William Stanhope), Secretary of State, 115, 442
Haussen, John Anton, of Strasswalchen, 459
Herald, Mr. von, privy Councilor of King of Prussia, 415, 563
Hoser, Simon, 300
Hugo, von, Brunswick Electoral envoy at Regensburg, 313, 320
Labhart, Mr. John Henry, merchant at St. Gall, 567
Lercher, Johann Christian: Hungarian Protestant, 438, 440
Lowther, Richard, British resident at Rotterdam, minister of the English Church there, 358, 386, 422, 487, 492
Lusk, Capt. James, 543
Martyn (Martin), Mr. Benjamin, secretary of the Georgia Trustees, 59, 116
Mayer, John Baptista, merchant in London, German benefactor, 49
Minet, Isaac, merchant at Dover, 411
Möllenhoff, Rev., chaplain to the Danish envoy in Vienna, 375, 385, 416, 420, 442
Münch, Christian von, banker at Augsburg, 225, 226, 231, 234, 235
Munden, Rev., senior Lutheran minister at Frankfurt, 435
Newman, Henry, secretary of SPCK. Author of nearly all outgoing letters
Oglethorpe, James, founder of Georgia, 459, 459, 514, 519
Ortmann, Christopher, schoolmaster at London, later at Ebenezer, 360, 409
Peter Simonds & Co., 542
Philips, John (Baronet), benefactor of the Georgia Salzburger, 21
Protestant Body at Diet of Ratison, 463, 465, 543
Pury, Charles, merchant at Purysburg, 542
Quincy, Samuel, Anglican pastor at Savannah, 468, 528, 587
Reck, Philip Georg Friedrich von, commissary with first Salzburger Transport, 358, 379, 386, 391, 394, 410, 414, 427, 460, 466, 479, 488, 499, 521, 554, 558, 565, 573, 575, 589, 597
Reck, Baron J. von, Hanoverian envoy to Imperial Diet at Ratisbon (uncle of above), 293, 302, 303, 312, 312, 312, 320, 320, 329, 329, 336, 384, 385, 421, 432, 433, 472, 478, 484, 485, 499, 534, 575, and many anonymous letters from Ratisbon
Robinson, Mr. Thomas, British minister at Vienna, 452, 589, 590
Rodde, Caspar Matthias, corresponding member of SPCK at Narva, 355
Salzkammergut, Protestant emigrants from, 447, 476, 548, 549, 570
Sartorius, John, Protestant exile from Hungary, 375 (?)
Schorer, Mr., intendent of the prebends at Augsburg, 318, 318, 334
Sodor and Man, Bishop of (Thomas Wilson), 254
Specification (personnel list) of Salzburgers going to Georgia, 366, 412, 482, 592
Symonds, Mr. Peter, owner of ship Prince of Wales, 502
Tillard, William, treasurer of SPCK for Salzburgers, 21, 23
Tobler, John, mathematician in Rehetobel in Appenzell, 556
Urlsperger, Samuel, senior of Lutheran clergy in Augsburg, pastor of St. Anne’s. Author of most incoming correspondence
Vat, John, commissary with second transport, from Bienne, 301, 341, 357, 405, 467, 480, 489, 490, 497, 498, 499, 500, 538, 578
Verelst, Harman, Georgia Trustee, 144, 208, 496
Vernon, James, Georgia Trustee, 21, 23, 123, 150
Weismeyer (Weysmeyer), Protestant councilor in Regensburg, 308, 457, 465
Wesley, Samuel, Sr., 517
Whitelamb, John, son-in-law to Samuel Wesley, 515
Wilson, Rev. Thomas, member of SPCK, 77, 103, 104
Wilson, Thomas. See Sodor and Man, Bishop of
Wolter, D., the King’s agent for foreign affairs in Rotterdam, 387, 493, 522
Ziegenhagen, the Rev. Friedrich Michael, chaplain of the King’s Chapel in London, 224, 499
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