“Index of Authors” in “Henry Newman’s Salzburger Letterbooks”
Index of Proper Names 
Names on lists of persecuted Protestants who did not go to Georgia are omitted. Asterisks indicate names which are further explained. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd tr. are abbreviations for first, second, and third Salzburger transports.
Aar, Swiss river, 342
Aarau, Swiss town, 357
Abercorn, settlement on the Savannah, near Ebenezer*, 501, 540
Abtenau, town in Salzburg, 265
Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen), German city, 181
Akers, Mr., teacher in charity school, 135
Altamaha (Alatamaha), river in Georgia, 187, 188, 197
Anna Maria (ship), Capt. Scott*, 188
Ansbach Bayreuth, place in Bavaria, 359
Antoni, Rev. Mr., Prot. superintendent at Nare* in Hungary*, 282
Appalachian Mountains, 44
Appenzell, Swiss canton, 15, 555
Arabic books (for Mohammedan Africans), 213
Arnd (Arndt, Arnt), Johann, author of True Christianity*, Paradise Garden*, and other Pietistic works, 87, 176, 280, 355, 356, 361, 596, 602, n52
Astelle, William Esq., 355
Augsburg: imperial city in Swabia*, 5 and passim
Augsburg Confession, Lutheran articles of faith, 376, 377, 471
Augsburg, Peace of, 1555, 3, 4
Augustus II, Elector of Saxony* and King of Poland, 273, 602 n67
Aulick Counsel, supreme court of Holy Roman Empire*, 238, 263, 265, 602 n43
Austria, scene of persecutions (usually Upper Austria* is meant), 273, 298, 300, 311, 334, 359, 377, 463, 471
Austrians, religious exiles, 158, 167, 168, 171, 173, 175
Aver, Baron of, deputy in Saltzburg, 263
Aviller, author of Art to Die Well and Happy, 289
Ayrolles, Mr. de, British minister at the Hague, 171, 559, 563
Bach, Gabriel, 2nd tr., 483
Bacher, Thomas, and wife and two girls, 2nd tr., 482
Bahamas, British possessions, 45
Baptists in Saxony, 406
Bartlet’s Buildings (in London), home of SPCK, 17 and passim
Bathhurst, Sir Francis, settler in Georgia, 500
Bauer, Andreas, 3rd tr., 592
Bavaria, German principality, passim
Bavaria, Elector of. See Charles Albertus*
Behren, Mr., 211
Belcher, Jonathan, governor of Massachusetts, 82, 88, 113, 197, 207, 495
Belcher, Mr., member of SPCK*, 41
Belke, Edwin, donor of books, 140
Benz, Mr., benefactor in Augsburg*, 229
Beque, Gilbert, French baker with 1st tr., 413
Berchtesgaden (Berktolsgaden)
bishopric adjoining Salzburg, 30, 32, 33, 158, 164, 235, 236, 237, 238, 280, 601 n23
Berlin, city in Brandenburg, refuge for exiles, 87, 241, 401
Bern, city and canton in Switzerland, 392
Bernhard, Tobias, Bohemian Protestant, 507, 510, 511, 512
Biberstein, town near Klagenfurt*, 475, 550, 561
Biel. See Bienne
Bienne (Biel), Swiss town, home of Jean Vat*, 46, 421
Bishopwiesers (Bischofswieser? Bischofsweiler?), 426
Bishop, Henry, English lad apprenticed to Bolzius*, 135, 215, 536, 538
Blandford (Man-of-war), 213, 214, 216
Bohemia (now in Czechoslovakia), scene of persecution, 24, 75, 144, 206, 231, 234, 237, 270, 506
Bohemians, refugees from Bohemia* (many of them Lutherans), 167, 250-252
Bohemian Brothers (Moravians), religious sect, 14, 148, 150, 173, 526, 558, 559, 563, 600 n43
Bohler, Peter, Moravian* exile, 213
Bolzius (Boltzius), John Martin, minister at Ebenezer*, 13, 69, and passim
Bonner, Capt., 88
Bössner, John Ulrich, deputy of Frankfurt at Ratisbon*, 434
Brantner, Matthias, and his wife, 2nd tr., 483
Bratislava (Pressburg), city in Hungary* (now Czechoslovakia), 416
Braunberger (Braumberger), Matthew, Bavarian convert, 1st tr., 372, 413, 494
Bremen, German port, 159
Brixen, Bishop of (South Tyrol), 267
Broughton, Mr. Thomas, It. gov. of S.C., 194
Bruckner, George, 2nd tr., 483
Brunswick (Braunschweig), German province, 330
Brunswick, Elector of (George II of England), 281
Buecher, George (dropped from 1st tr.), 63, 323, 338, 339, 367, 369, 374
Bundy, Dr., benefactor, 79, 116
Burgsteiner, Matthias, and his wife, 2nd tr., 482
Butjenter (Butienter), Henry Alard, German pastor in London, 73, 74, 76, 77, 79, 84, 89, 118, 129, 130, 185, 214, 388
Cadzand (Cassant), island in Holland, settled by Tirnbergers*, 9, 52, 88, 101, 273
Cajetan, Anthon. See Notthaffel
Calenberg, town in Hanover*, 299
Cambridge (Massachusetts), location of school for Indians, 195
Canstein, Count of, printer of New Testament, 383, 605 nl45
Capuchins, religious order active in inquisition and persecution, 247, 295, 402, 442, 447, 601 n32
Carinthia (Kärnten), Austrian province, scene of persecutions, 15, 145, 206, 269, 286, 288, 291, 300, 375, 384, 471, 510
Carinthians, persecuted Protestants of Carinthia*, 152, 157, 158, 163, 165, 166, 168, 171, 473, 527, 543, 544, 551
Carkass, Mr., customs officer at Gravesend*, 127
Carolina (ship), Capt. Somerset, 219, 220
Casco Bay, Scene of fort, 88
Cashau (Kaschau), place in Upper Hungary*, scene of persecution, 282, 298
Cassant. See Cadzand
Cassovia. See Cashau
place in Siberia, home of German Lutherans, 356
Catholic League, 4
Caub, town on Rhine, 490
Causton, Thomas, mayor of Savannah, 156, 210, 502, 530, 539, 540, 547, 578, 583
Chaille, Mr., owner of Two Brothers*, 132
Charles Albertus, Elector of Bavaria*, 232, 244, 277, 281, 309, 603 n73
Charles Alexander, Duke of Württemberg*, 389, 404
Charles Town (Charlestown), Charleston, S.C., 45, 157, 164, 183, 185, 187, 188, 215
Chemnitz. See Schemnitz
Cheschanneuch, Calb, civilized Indian, 195
Christian, Capt., master of sloop Hyam*, 65, 491
Christiani, Hieronymus (von Rall), court chancellor of Salzburg, 253, 254, 263, 602 n42
Christie, Thomas, recorder in Savannah, 540
Christopher William, Imperial chamberlain and Land-captain of Austria, 444
Claüs, Mr., of Covent Garden, 37
Cleve, Lord, President of, 491
Clostermeyer, at Ratisbon*, 444
Coblentz, city on Rhine, 490
Cockman, Dr., Master of University College, Oxford, 99, 102, 103
Colman, Dr. Kenneth, minister in Boston, 207
Cologne (Köln), city on the Rhine, 384, 489
Coloredo, Count, Bohemian ambassador, 508, 524
Constantinople, city in Turkey, 280
Conybeare, Dr. John, Dean of Christ Church, Oxford, 99
Copping, Mr., benefactor, 39, 124, 140, 156, 533
Coram, Capt. Thomas, Trustee*, member of SPCK*, 74, 75, 76, 83-88, 391
Corpus Evangelicorum. See Evangelic Body
Cottbus, city in Brandenburg, 514, 577
Counter Reformation, 3
Courtone. See Curtone
Crain, place in Hungary*, scene of persecution, 376
Cranwell, Capt., honest master of sloop, 121
Crohnstadt, Russian city in Bay of Finland, 357, 603 nl05
Croneck, place in Upper Carinthia*, 376
Cunningham, Dr., chaplain at Gibraltar, 213
Curtone & Fils & de Normandie, business firm in Rotterdam, 121, 122, 125, 144, 491, 499
Daily Courant, Dutch newspaper, 33
Danningbrook, Order of (?), 526
Danube, river in Central Europe, 274
Daubas, Capt. Henry, master of Georgia Pink*, 209, 210, 215, 216
Daubler, Balthasar, persecuted Austrian, 549
Davies, Robert, captain’s mate on Peter and James*, 202
Dayrolles, see Ayrolles, de
Deacon, Mr., customs officer, 127
Deal, port on English channel, 66, 183, 428
Deane, John, Archdeacon of Rochester, 23, 197, 599 n4
Deboni, Mr., Count Zinzendorf’s* manager, 527
Defereggen Valley, valley in Salzburg, 234
Degenfeld House, building in Frankfurt, 431
Degmair (Degmayer), Matthäus Friedrich, chaplain with 2nd tr. from Augsburg to Rotterdam, 125, 126, 141, 142, 145, 159, 165, 166, 167, 486, 491, 492, 493, 498, 553, 562, 573, 577
Degmair, Parson, father of above, 493
Dendacher, goldsmith, 309
Deners, Dolon, benefactor at Eton, 197
Denmark, 294
Denne. See Deane
Diet, parliament of Holy Roman Empire, 8
Dietzius, Andreas Gottfried, passenger on Prince of Wales*, 503
Dolphin (schooner), Capt. Luske, 156
Donauwörth (Donawert), city on route of exiles, 240, 379, 486
Dordrecht (Dordrack), city in Netherlands, 68, 316
Dörnberg, province in Hesse-Darmstadt, 432
Dover, town on English channel, 66 and passim
Downs, section of English coast, passim
Dresden, city in Saxony*, 273
Dumont, French minister at Rotterdam, 392
Dunbar, Capt. George, master of Prince of Wales*, 119, 121, 122, 125, 127, 128, 131, 134, 135, 136, 137, 146, 147, 160, 164, 168, 175, 492, 528, 542, 546, 578
Dünkelsbühl (Dinkelsbühl), town on route of Salzburgers, 379, 486
Düsseldorf (Dusseldorp), city on Rhine, 127, 490
Dymond, Capt. George, master of Peter and James*, 200, 202, 204
East Indies, scene of foreign missions, 145, 178, 197, 399, 402, 457, 563
Ebenezer, settlement of Salzburgers in Georgia, passim
Ebermorgen. See Evermerken*
Einacher (in), Barbara, 3rd tr., 593
__________ Gertraud, 3rd tr., 593
Eischberger, Ruprecht, and his wife, 2nd tr., 482
Eisenbach, region in Hungary, scene of persecutions, 282
Eisenberg (Eisenburg), place in Hungary*, scene of persecutions, 252, 282, 287
Elbingen (Elbag), town in East Prussia*, 270, 298
Eliot, John, missionary to the Indians, 195
Ellis, Sir Richard (Baronet), benefactor, 19, 226
Engeleitner (Engeleüthner), Austrian exile at Ratisbon*, 444
Enns, Austrian river, 444, 464, 543
Epworth, home of Samuel Wesley, Sr.*, 514, 515, 517, 519
Erff, Mr. von, Brunswick envoy at Vienna, 558
Ernst, Joseph, 3rd tr., 593
__________ Marie (his wife), 3rd tr., 593
__________ Sabine (daughter), 3rd tr., 593
Esoh (Esch?) de, parish priest in Carinthia*, 289
Esterlin, Rev., minister in Ratisbon*, 8, 300, 307, 309, 310, 601 n21, 603 n72
Eugene of Savoy, dragoons of, 263, 602 n44
Evangelic Body, corporate organization of Prot. States at Diet of Ratisbon, 5, 20, 24, 232, 238, 255, 258, 284, 376, 431, 462, 463, 543
Evangelic Corp. See Evangelic Body
Evermerken (Ebermorgen), town on route of Salzburgers, 239, 379
Eyss, John Christophel, governor at Goldeck*, 459
Fahnsmith (Fahnschmidt?), Protestant superintendent at Leutschall in Upper Hungary*, 282
Fellockner (?), witness to a miracle, 224
Felser, George, 2nd tr., 483
Felton, Dr., Head of House, Oxford, Member of SPCK*, 99
Ferdinand III, Emperor of Holy Roman Empire, 378
First Transport, first group of Salzburger emigrants to Georgia, passim
Fischer (Fisher), Rev. J. G., pastor of Tirnbergers at Cadzand*, 313, 314, 417, 429, 560, 599 n26
Fleiss, Balthasar, 1st tr., 319, 366, 368, 372, 413
Floerl, Carolus, 3rd tr., 593
__________ Johann, 3rd tr., 593
Forstreiter, Nicolaus, Salz, exile, 332
Fort St. George, British establishment in India, 95, 182, 211, 599 n2
Foulkes, Dr. Peter, Head of House, Oxford, 99
Francke, August Hermann, professor at Halle*, 13, 87, 331, 602 n66
__________ Gotthilf August (son of above), professor at Halle, 13, 69, 74, 75, 77, 85-87, 209, 210, 294, 353, 358, 401, 457, 528, 564
Frankfurt (Franckfort), city on Main*, 68, 380, 381, and passim
Frederick College of University of Königsberg*, 270
Frederick, William, King of Prussia, 7, 26, 28, 87, 230, 241, 245, 257, 260, 276, 278, 286, 383, 425
Freylander, Mr., deputy in Salzburg, 263
Freylinghausen, Johann Anastasius, professor at Halle*, 88, 356, 402
Fry, Capt. Tobias, commander of the Purysburg*, 64, 65, 71, 74, 83, 117, 387, 394, 409, 410, 412, 421, 481
Fullerton, Rev., passenger on Prince of Wales*, 504
Gadaunern, place in Gastein*, 366
Gaisern. See Goisern
Gallieris, Marines, Dutch minister at Ratisbon*, 36, 274, 276, 282, 303, 329, 336, 509, 557-59
Gascoigne, Capt., master of Hawk*, 175
Gastein, place in Salz., scene of persecution, 264, 287, 311, 319, 335, 344, 533, 534
Gehrn, place in Salzburg, 237, 254
Geister, Mr. J. E., missionary to East Indies*, 399, 402
Gemund, town in Swabia*, 265
George II, King of England, p. 2, 603 n82, and passim
Georgia, description of, 31, 42, 43, 50, 52, 303
Georgia Office in Westminster, 123, 141, 144, 199, 208, 213
Georgia Pink (ship), Capt. Daubas*, 209, 210, 215
German Church (in Trinity Lane, London), 134
Germersheimer cash, 431
Geschwandel (Gschwändl), Thomas, 1st tr., 319, 366, 368, 373, 381, 412, 421, 423, 496
__________ Margaretha (wife), 319, 366, 368, 412, 580
__________ Thomas (bastard son of Thomas, above), 468
Giles, Mrs., acquaintance of John Vat*, 501
Gladwell, Capt. Samuel, captain of Gravesend tiltboat, 133
Glantz, Sebastian, 2nd tr., 483, 536, 581
Prussian commissary for Salzburgers, 8, 40, 96, 233, 258, 296, 300, 317, 321, 330, 425, 465, 510, 559, 601 n40
Godolphin (ship), Capt. Steward, 212
Goisern, town in Salzkammergut*, 444, 445, 465, 548, 549, 570
Goldeck (Goldeg), town in Salzburg, 261, 367, 459
Gordon, Peter, official in Savannah, 503, 540
Göttingen, University of, 377
Gräfentha (Grafenthal), 331
Grätz, city in Styria*, 378
Gravesend, port at mouth of Thames, passim
Gravius, Mr., post officer at Briel, 493
Greisshofer, Balthasar, Austrian Protestant, 445
Grimmiger, Andreas, 3rd tr., 593
__________ Sabine (his wife), 3rd tr., 593
Grinn, Mr., Protestant minister in Hungary*, 293
Grischow (Mischke?), inspector at Halle, 355
Groede, town in Cadzand*, 314
Gronau, Israel Christian, assistant minister in Ebenezer*, 13, 69, 74, 76, 92, and passim
Grossarl, river and region in Salzburg, 227
Grossbentzer, valley in Salzburg, 234, 237
Grosshennersdorff (Grossherrnersdorf), place near Zittau*, 577, 590
Gruber, John, persecuted Protestant of Carinthia*, 288
Grueber, Hans (John Gruber), 1st tr., 366, 368, 371, 372, 413
Grueber, Peter, 1st tr., 370, 373, 413
Gschwantner, Michael, exile from Goldeck*, 457, 458, 459
Guerdes, Dr. Henry Walther, minister of Swedish Church* in London, 8, 58, 59, 126, 141, 197, 214
Gulman (Gullmann), Mr., English king’s resident at Frankfurt*, 5, 56, 65, 225, 235, 236, 343, 381, 386, 431, 436
Guthry, Mr., boat operator on the Savannah*, 580
Haffenden, William, mayor of Gravesend*, 128, 129, 133, 499
Hales, Stephen, benefactor, SPCK* member, Trustee*, 46, 56, 57, 73, 142, 168, 213, 301, 342, 422
Halle (Hall), university city in Saxony*, 69, 74, 279, 297, 340
Hallein, town in Salzburg, 106, 257, 260, 261, 265, 299
Hallstadt (Hallstatt), town in Salzkammergut*, 445, 447, 448
Hamburg, German port, 148, 151
Hammer, Maria Theresia, 3rd tr., 593
Hanckel (Henchler?), Count, friend of A. H. Francke*, 525
Hanover, duchy in northern Germany, 292
Hanover, Elector of. See George II
Harburg, town on the Würnitz, 379
Hard, Rev. M., 254
Harlein (Harlem?), Baptist center in the Netherlands, 406
Harrington, Lord (William Stanhope), secretary of state, 97, 116, 117, 443, 452
Harris, Rev. Mr. Thomas, minister at Gravesend*, 130, 131, 132, 133
Hartberger, Susanne, 3rd tr., 593
__________ Catherine (daughter), 3rd tr., 593
Hattorff, Baron, 55
Haussen, John Anton, official at Strasswalchen*, 459
Haverfahner, Frantz, 3rd tr., 592
__________ Marie (his wife), 3rd tr., 592
__________ Magdalen (daughter), 3rd tr., 593
__________ Susanne (daughter), 3rd tr., 593
Hawk (sloop), Capt. Gascoigne, 173, 175, 188
Helmstedt, University of, 329
Helvoet Sluys, entrance to Rotterdam harbor, 382, 387, 427, 499
Henchler, Count, friend of A. H. Francke*, 304
Herald, Mr. von, member of Privy Council of King of Prussia*, 415, 563
Herbert, Dr. Henry, first chaplain in Georgia, 38, 40
Herrenberger, Frantz Sigmund, 3rd tr., 593
Herrnhut, Count Zinzendorf’s* seat in Saxony, 15, 150, 526
Herzog, Martin, 1st tr., 367, 370, 373, 413
Hesse-Cassel, German province, 431
Hesse-Cassel, Landgrave of, 298
Hesse-Darmstadt, Prince of, 432, 451
Hessler, Christian, 2nd tr., 483
Hewers, Capt., master of sloop, 491
High-Mightinesses, members of the States General*, 274 and passim
Hildebrand, Rev., Lutheran pastor in Augsburg, 224, 229
Hirdelsperger, Stephen, 1st tr., 371
Hirnstein, place near Ulm, home of Leonard Rauner*, 372
Hoare, Mr., receiver of benefactions, 23
Hochst, town on Main*, 489, 490
Hofer (in), Anna, 1st tr., 319, 366, 373, 413
__________ Margaretha, wife of Thomas Geschwandel*, 1st tr., 319, 366
Hoff, place in Salzburg*, home of most of 1st tr., 366
Hollis, Mr. Thomas, benefactor in London, 272, 599 n8
Holmes, Dr., Vice Chancellor at Oxford, 102, 104
Holy Roman Empire, 3 and passim
Hoplinger, Anna Maria, 3rd tr., 593
Horner, Rev. M., 491, 492, 500
Hoser, Simon, exile from Salzburg, 300
Hueber, Mr., deputy in Salzburg, censor of books, 263
Hueber, Leopold, Austrian Protestant, 445
Hueber, Lorentz, 1st tr., 319, 366, 368, 372, 373, 496
Maria (wife), Johannes (child), Magdalena (child), Margaretha (child), ibid.
Hueffstein, Baroness of, 269
Hugo, Mr. von, Brunswick envoy to Diet of Ratisbon*, 47, 312, 313, 317, 320, 321, 336, 558, 602 n55
Huguenots, French Protestants, 2
Humphreys, Rev. Dr., Sec. of Soc. for Propagating the Gospel*, 185
Hungary, scene of persecutions (Upper Hungary* is often meant), 15, 25, 75, 252, 282, 287, 293, 403
Hüttau, town in Salzburg, 265
Hyam Sloop, 65
Ichler (same as Ischl?), place in Austria, 445
Ilingen, place between Augsburg and Nürnberg, 240
Imsland, High Bailiff at Steuffeneg near Hoelworth (?), 268
Indian Hut, place near Ebenezer*, 540-542
Indians, 144, 160, 194, 203, 204, 501, 504, 515, 519, 520, 530, 584
Indies. See East Indies and West Indies
Ingham, Benjamin, missionary to the Indians, 178, 204, 214
Ingolstadt, city in Bavaria*, 261
Ingram. See Ingham
Inn, tributary of the Danube*, 274
Innsbruck, city in Tyrol*, 264
Ischl, town in Salzkammergut (now Bad Ischl), 445, 447, 448, 450, 465, 476
Isle of Wight, island off south coast of England, 107, 180, 181, 183
Italy, theater of war, 70
Jäger, Dr., author of Fr. de Ecclesia, 376
James, ship commanded by Capt. Yoakley*, 160, 161, 162
James II, Catholic king of England, 2, 105
Jastrum (Justram), Michael, German businessman, 164, 189, 600 n46
Jena, university town, 437
Jenys (Jennison), speak of house in South Carolina, 40
Jesuits, clerical order active in inquisisition, 247, 260, 263, 267, 271, 281, 287, 344, 376, 417, 422
Joddci, Baron, 565
Johnson, Mr., friend of John Vat*, 193
Johnson, Robert, governor of South Carolina, 40, 461, 466
Jones, Rev., chaplain at Port Royal*, 469
Jones, Noble, surveyor in Georgia, 530, 538, 539, 540, 578
Kaiserswörth, city on Rhine, 490
Kalcher, Ruprecht, and his wife, 2nd tr., 482
Kamchatka, peninsula of Siberia, home of Lutherans, 356
Kaschau. See Cashau
Kaufbeuren (Kauffbeuren), Imperial city in Swabia*, 223, 257
Kensington, royal palace, 45, 69, 76, 182
Kesswurm, Thomas, Salzburg exile, 256
King of Prussia. See Frederick William I
Kirchlein, place in Bavaria*, 241
Klagenfurt, city in Carinthia*, 375, 474
Knolle, Mr., physician sent to East Indies*, 402
Kogler, Georg, 2nd tr., 483
Kollmann’s Book of Prayer, 458
Königsberg, capital of East Prussia, 246
Königsberg, University of, 270, 398
Königsgrätz, place in Bohemia*, 506
Königs Wusterhausen, town in Brandenburg, 401
Kraus, Leonard, 3rd tr., 593
Kroeer (Kroeher), Catherina, 1st tr., 184, 367, 373, 412
__________ Gertraut, 1st tr., 367, 373, 412
__________ Maria, 1st tr., wife of Mosshammer*, 367, 369, 373, 412
__________ Peter, husband of Barbara Rohrmoser*, 367, 369
Labhart, John Henry, merchant in St. Gall*, 565, 567
Lackner, Martin, 3rd tr., 593
Lackner, Tobias, 1st tr., 319, 366, 369, 373, 413
Lägler, Christopher, Carinthian* Protestant, 474
Landfelder, Veit, 2nd tr., 483
Landsberg, city on the Lech in Bavaria, 319, 335
Lansperg. See Landsberg
Lasserer, Thomas, Protestant imprisoned in Lintz*, 511, 548, 570
Lausanne (Lausania), Swiss city, 198
Lauenburg (Lawenburg), city on the Elbe, 281
Leichtenberg. See Lichtenberg
Leidtner, Joseph, 3rd tr., 593
Leinberber (Leimberger), Christian, 1st tr., 367, 370, 373, 413
Leipzig, city in Saxony, 241
Lemenhofer, Paulus, 2nd tr., 483
__________ Veit, and his wife, 2nd tr., 483
Leogam (Loigam), town in Salzburg, 367
Leopold Anton, Archbishop of Salzburg, 3, 7 and passim
Lercher, Johannes Christianus, pastor in Neustadt, Hungary*, 438, 439, 440
Lerchner, Hans, prisoner at Lintz, 444, 445, 447, 448, 450, 465, 560
Lerchner, Simon, messenger to Salzburg, 293, 311
Leutomysel (Lytomishel), place near Opotsch*, 506
Leutschau (Leutschall), place in Hungary*, scene of persecution, 282
Leyden Courant, Dutch newspaper, 423
Liberda (Liberta), Protestant minister to Bohemians*, 256, 279, 564, 591
Lichtenberg, district in Salzburg, 323, 335, 367, 371
Lichtenstein, student of theology, 355, 356
Lightbourne, Mr., of Ironmonger Lane, London, 501
Lindau, city on Lake Constance, 67, 165, 166, 168, 169, 170, 342, 482, 553, 573
Linz (Lintz), city in Austria on the Enns, 444
Lintz, Land-captain of, 444, 445
Lithuania, province of East Prussia*, refuge for Salzburgers, 230, 237, 246, 256, 399
Lodinger, Martin, religious author, 289
Lodowig. See Ludowig
London Merchant, ship, Capt. Thomas, carried 3rd tr., 15, 173, 175, 177, 179, 180, 184, 597
Lott, Mr., merchant at Gravesend*, 127, 128
Lowther, Sir James, 69, 76, 387
__________ Rev. Richard, Anglican minister in Rotterdam, 64, 65, 67, 68, 71, 74, 75, 93, 120, 121, 122, 124, 126, 130, 133, 171, 358, 386, 387, 422, 487, 491, 492, 498
__________ Sir Thomas, 69
Ludolph, sec. to Prince George of Denmark, 87, 356
Ludowig’s Grammar, used by Bolzius*, 85
Luggau (Lucau), place in Gastein*, 372
Lüneburg, province in northern Germany, 379
Lusatia (Lausitz), province of eastern Germany, refuge of Bohemians*, 279, 525, 590
Luske, Capt. James, master of Dolphin Schooner*, 156, 543
Luther’s Postil, collection of sermons, 289
Lyndal, John, friend of John Whitelamb*, 578
Macher, proposed as minister for Bohemians*, 564
Machtholff, Mr., donor of books, 230
MacPherson, Capt., captain of Georgia rangers, 586
Maddox, Mr. Dean, 182
Madera (s), Portuguese island, rendezvous point, 175, 180, 183
Madras, city in India, scene of missionary activity, 87, 402, 424
Madreuter (Madreiter), Hans, 2nd tr., 483, 580
Madreiter, Ursula, wife of George Buecher*, 367
Main, river in central Germany, 14, 352, 364
Mainz (Maintz, Mayence), city on Rhine and Main*, 489
Malabar, place in India, site of mission, 534
Malmazet, Mr., bill on, 197
Mamour, Mr., boat operator on the Savannah*, 579, 580
Mandeleitner (Mändleithner) Mary, wife of Lorentz Huber*, 366
Manitius, Mr., 159
March Ship?, ship going from Frankfurt to Mainz, 490
Marck Steft. See Marksteft
Marckt, place in Goldeck*, 367
Markbreit, city on Main*, 380
Marksteft, city on Main*, 14, 352, 354, 363, 380, 488
Martini, J. C., secretary to Ziegenhagen*, 10, 18, 19, 25, 599 nl
Martyn (Martin), Benjamin, secretary of SPCK*, 59, 102, 115, 116, 198, 199, 599 n6
Masten (?), 377
Matthison, Junner, German in Dover*, 456
Maurer, Barbara, 3rd tr., 593
__________ Gabriel, 2nd tr., 483
__________ Hans, 2nd tr., 483
May, Mr. de, convert to Protestantism, 281
Mayer, a Salzburger in Augsburg, 435, 437
Mayer, John Baptista, German merchant in London, 7, 17 and passim
Meichelbeck (Meichlböck), Mr., deputy in Salzburg, 263
Meier, Anna Catherine, 3rd tr., 593
Melanchthon, Philip, German reformer, 3
Melingen (Mellingen), Swiss town, 357
Memmingen, Imperial city in Swabia*, 223, 231, 233, 239, 240, 264, 317, 318, 332, 343, 357, 481
Meuse (Maas), river in Netherlands, 391, 427
Meyer, a Salzburger at Bienne*, 422
Meyer & Jensen, commercial firm in London, 166, 182
Middelburg, city in Zeeland*, 273, 443
Millar, author of religious tract published in Constantinople, 280
Millies, German pastor in Kamchatka*, 356, 357
Millstatt (Mühlstadt), town near Klagenfurt*, 475, 550, 561
Mindelheim, city in Swabia, 318, 319, 332, 334, 357
Minet, Isaac, merchant in Dover, 78, 85, 88, 92, 388, 411
Mittersill, town in Salzburg, 366
Mittersteiner (Mietersteiner), Mattheus, 1st tr., 319, 367, 370, 373, 413
Modern, place in Hungary*, scene of persecution, 375, 376
Moedlhammer (Moedhammer), merchant in Salzburg, 240, 247, 268
Möllenhoff, chaplain to Danish envoy at Vienna, 243, 375, 385
Mondel, Baron von, Bavarian sheriff in Landsberg*, 331
Montague, Duke of (George Brudenell), 479
Montagut (Montague), merchant at Purysburg*, 135, 177, 218, 220, 536, 587
Moravia (Mähren), province next to Bohemia*, 144, 499
Moravians. See Bohemian Brothers*
Morell (Morrell), John George, burgomaster of Prot. part of Augsburg*, 142, 317, 326, 331, 341, 362, 364, 373, 498
Mosshamer, Johannes, 1st tr., (married Maria Kroeer*), 367, 369, 373, 412, 496
Muggizer, Hans Michael, 2nd tr., 483
Mühlstadt. See Millstadt
Münch, Messrs von, bankers in Frankfurt, 142, 343, 381, 432
Münch (Münich), Christian, banker at Augsburg, 7, 17 and passim
Munden, Rev., senior pastor at Frankfurt, 344, 435
Münich, See Münch
Münich, city in Bavaria*, 261
Nantes, Edict of, 2
Narva, city in Russia, 87, 355
Neff, André, Austrian exile, 445
__________ Catherina, wife of Michael, (below), 445, 446
__________ Michael, Austrian Protestant, imprisoned at Lintz, 445
Neuchâtel (Neufchatel), Swiss town, 33, 46
Neumeyer, Michael, peddler, 365
Neustadt, town in Bohemia*, 506
Newman, Henry, sec. of SPCK*, 1 and passim
New Windsor, unsuccessful settlement on the Savannah*, 15
Nicholas Town(?), near Klagenfurt*, 475
Niederberg, estate of Thomas Geschwandel in Bodauner*, 369
Niedersill, place in Salzburg, 335
Nordlingen, Imperial city in Bavaria*, 223
Notthaffel, Freiherr von, prince abbot of Berchtolsgaden*, 267
Nottingham (ship), 200
Nunez, Samuel, Jewish doctor in Savannah, 588
Nürnberg (Nuremburgh), Imperial city in Bavaria, 274, 292, 437
Oath of Salt, 600 n34
Oberkehlbach, place in Saalfeld*, 367
Obermergen. See Evermerken
Obuch, Mr., 200
Ochsenstern, Mr. von, director of consistory in Frankfurt*, 423
Ofen, city in Hungary*, 478
Oettingen, town in Bavaria*, 233, 239
Ogeechee, river in Georgia, 153, 581
Oglethorpe, James Edward, founder of Georgia, passim
Olten, town in Switzerland, 357
Opiezin, district in Bohemia*, scene of persecution, 271
Opotsch, place in Bohemia*, scene of persecution, 506
Orange, Prince of. See Prince of Orange
Ortenburg (Ordenburg), place in Bavaria* near Passau, 376, 377
Ortmann, Christopher, 1st tr., 60, 61 62, 66, 68, 71, 74, 90, 116, 146, 340, 360, 408, 409, 412, 537, 585
__________ Juliana (wife of above), 412
Oseneker, Thomas, 3rd tr., 593
Oswald, Maria Barbara (wife of George Roth), 1st tr., 371
Ott, Carl Siegmund, 2nd tr., 483
Ottobeuren, place near Memmingen*, 264, 265
Pacell, Mr., seedsman in London, 497
Palatines, emigrants from Palatinate (area around Heidelberg), 33, 51, 503
Palm, Baron de, Austrian ambassador at Ratisbon*, 565, 573
Palten, Mr., grocer in Milk St., London, 497
Paradise Garden (Paradiesgärtlein), religious tract by Arnd*, 376
Pardo, Rev., principal of Jesus College, Oxford, 99, 101
Parliament, British, 37, 41, 47, 158, 219
Parker, Henry, president of Georgia, 540
Paschal, Mr., pilot at Dover, 407
Passau, Austrian city on Danube, 281, 300
Patria, Jurisdiction of (?), place near Klagenfurt* (See Spatria), 475
Peircy, Capt., 183
Pemaquid, fort rebuilt by Gov. Belcher*, 88
Penitential preachers, 293, 299, 510
Pennsylvania, discouraging letters from, 306
Perl, sloop carrying Jean Pury*, 393
Peter and James, ship, Capt. Dymond, 200, 202
Peter Laire & Co., merchants at Augsburg, 418
Petriner, order of priests, 259
Pfeil, Christopher Charles Louis de, sec. of Württemberg* embassy at Ratisbon*, 102
Pfyffer, popish priest, 243
Philipps, Sir Erasmus, 207, 212
__________ Sir John, Baronet, SPCK*, benefactor, 7, 17 and passim
Philipsburg, poor family from, 487, 492
Pichler, Thomas, and his wife, 2nd tr., 482
Pick, Capt., 504
Piedmont, province in Savoy, scene of persecutions, 59, 103
Piedmontese, Protestant refugees from Piedmont* (Waldensians*), 80, 388
Pigeon, Capt., honest master of sloop, 121
Pintzgau, valley in Salzburg, 366
Pischerwiesen, area of Salzburg, 237, 254
Plettner, Johann, 3rd tr., 593
Ploss (en), Dr. Octaviano, physician at Augsburg*, 422
Plotho (Ploto), Christof, Freiherr von, Prussian envoy to Salzburg, 465, 510
Poland, theater of war, 70
Poland, King of, see Augustus II
Polier & Seigneux, business firm at Lausanne*, 58
Polzig, town near Halle*, 301
Pommerania, province in northern Germany, 294
Port Royal, town in South Carolina, 45
Poyas, a Waldensian* at Rotterdam, 393
Praun, Mr. von, 385
Presbyterians, false distinction made, 34, 38, 277, 284, 500 nl3
Pressburg. See Bratislava
Prince Eugene’s dragoons, 263, 602 n44
Prince Frederick (ship), renamed Prince of Wales*, 125, 126, 128, 492
Prince of Orange (William IV of Netherlands), consort of Princess Anne, 64, 69, 70, 75, 76, 93, 99, 387, 405
Prince of Wales (ship), Capt. Dunbar*, 119, 121, 125, 127, 128, 130-136, 140, 144, 146, 147, 155, 156, 157, 499
Prindlinger, Margaretha (wife of Paul Schwaighofer*), 1st tr., 366
Protestant Body. See Evangelic Body* Protestant Union, 4
Prussia (East Prussia), refuge for Salzburger exiles, 230, 233, 246, 257, 258, 425
Prussia, King of. See Frederick William I*
Puckler (in), Maria, Protestant exile from Carinthia*, 288
Pury (Purry), Charles, merchant in Purysburg*, 190, 193, 218, 220, 542
__________ Col. Jean Pierre, founder of Purysburg*, 33, 47, 73, 393, 405, 414, 468, 567
Purysburg, Swiss settlement on Savannah River*, 135, 167, 541
Purysburg, ship carrying, 1st tr., 61, 64, 65, 66, 68, 71, 76, 83, 84, 90, 93, 107, 117, 134, 386
Pyrmont, bath in Hanover*, 18, 230, 231
Quincy, Samuel, Anglican minister in Georgia, 38, 40, 118, 135, 137, 138, 155, 156, 177, 179, 185, 195, 204, 468, 528, 585
Quincy, Mr., New England kinsman of above, 530
Raab, Austrian fortress, 450, 465, 560
Radstadt (Rastatt), town in Salzburg, 224, 263, 268, 288, 295, 335
Ramback, Dr., dies at Giessen, 553
Rasch, Andreas, 2nd tr., 483
Ratisbon (ne) (Regensburg), seat of Imperial Diet*, 5 and passim
Rau, examiner in Berlin, 332
Raueiss (Rauris?), place in Salzburg, 335
Rauner, Leonard, 1st tr., 372, 373, 413
Rauschgott, Simon, 1st tr., 413
Reck, J. von, Hanoverian envoy to Diet*, 5, 8, 12, 32, 36, 40, 47 and passim
Reck, Philip George Frederick, commissary for, 1st and 3rd tr., 12, 14, 15 and passim
Reck, __________, brother of above, 185, 188, 199, 201, 203, 593
Red Bluff, place near Ebenezer*, 541
Red House, building in Deptford near London, 131, 132, 133, 499
Regensburg, See Ratisbon*
Rehetobel, town in Appenzell*, 555
Rehling, Baron Ferdinand von, deputy in Salzburg, 263
Reiche, Mr., English king’s private secretary, 108, 125, 147, 467, 480, 527
Reidelsperger. See Riedelsperger
Rein, town in Bavaria, 233
Reinbeck, examiner in Berlin, 332
Reiter, Maria, 1st tr., 367, 370, 373, 413
Reiter, Simon, laborer from Gastein*, 1st tr., 371, 373, 413
Repentance, Preachers of. See Capuchins* and Jesuits*
Reuss, Count of Ebersdorff, brother and benefactor of Zinzendorf*, 526
Reuter, Peter, 3rd tr., 593
Richmond, Duke of (Charles Lennox), benefactor to Georgia Society, 498
Riedelsperger, ‘Adam and his wife, 2nd tr., 483
__________ Christian, 2nd tr., 483
__________ Nicolaus, 2nd tr., 483
__________ Stephen, 1st tr., 373, 413, 496
Riesch, Dr Bonaventura, Lutheran pastor at Lindau*, 482, 553
Rieser (Riser, Risser), Bartholomeus, 1st tr., 319, 364, 371, 373, 382, 405, 419, 443, 482, 604 nl37
__________ Maria (born Zugseisen), his wife, 371, 482
___________ Balthasar (son), 371, 482
__________ George (son), 371, 419, 482
__________ Michael, (son), 371, 482
Rieser, Johann Michael, 3rd tr., 593
__________ Anna Marie (wife), 593
__________ Gottlieb (child), 193
Ristehaus, place in Gastein*, 371
Robinson, Mr. Thomas, British minister at Vienna, 97, 163, 165, 385, 421, 425, 435, 442, 443, 452, 589
Rodde, Caspar Matthias, Lutheran pastor at Narva in Russia, 87, 355
Rohrmoser, Barbara (wife of Peter Kroeer*), 1st tr., 367, 369, 373, 412
Roloff, examiner in Berlin, 332
Römer, town hall of Frankfurt, 380
Roschach, Swiss town, 357
Rose (man-of-war), 197
Roser, Lutheran minister, 309
Roth (e), George Bartholomeus, converted distiller, 1st tr., 371, 413, 494, 502, 547
__________ Mary Barbara (wife of above), 1st tr., 413, 547
Rothenburg (Rottenburg), city on Tauber*, 352, 380, 486
Rothenberger, Stephen, and his wife, 2nd tr., 482
Rothier, John George, Bavarian shopkeeper, 309
Rotterdam, Dutch port, passim
Rous, Capt., 187
Ruhrort, place on Rhine, 491
Ruperti, Mr., 355
Rye, Archdeacon (of Islip), benefactor, 198
Ryswick, treaty of, 431
Saalfelden, town in Salzburg, 260, 335, 367, 371
Sachsen-Lauenburg, territory of Elector of Saxony*, 278, 299
St. Anne’s Church (Sankt Annenkirche), main Lutheran Church of Augsburg*, 185, 186, 187, 229, 347, 362
St. Augustine, Spanish city in Florida, 538
St. Gall (en), Swiss city, 67, 342, 357, 555, 556
St. Helen’s Road, near Isle of Wight*, 107
St. James, royal palace in London, 70, 224
St. Johannes, place in Salzburg, 319, 335
St. Sulpice, Swiss town, 33
St. Ulrich, town in Tyrol*, 367
St. Ulrich, church in Augsburg*, 498
Sale, Mr. William, passenger on Purysburg*, 409
Saltza, river in Salzburg, 274
Salzburg, Archbishopric of, scene of expulsion, passim
Salzburg, Archbishop of. See Leopold Anton
Salzkammergut, Austrian province adjoining Salzburg, 15, 445, 549
Sanftleben, George, 2nd tr., 219, 483, 600 n58
Sartorius, Rev. John, Hungarian Protestant, 437-441
Sartorius, Rev. J. A., missionary to East Indies*, 399
Sateleekeim (?), Elisabeth, prisoner in Carinthia*, 576
Savannah, chief city of Georgia, passim
Savannah River, eastern boundary of Georgia, 47, 107, 157, 187
Savey, Mr. (en route from Savannah to Geneva), 586
Saxony (Sachsen), province in eastern Germany, 50, 90, 250, 257, 406
Schaitberger (Scheidberger), Joseph, Salzburger exile at Nürnberg*, 6, 244, 257, 271, 289, 377, 379, 384, 601 n28
Schalkhauser, Flügel & Jastram, merchants at Venice, benefactors, 219
Schartner, Christian, journeyman mason from Radstadt, 294, 295
__________ Jacob, 2nd tr., 483
Schartzberg, Prince of, 380
Schauer’s balsam, 500
Schauer, John Caspar, distiller of Schauer Balsam, benefactor, 229, 317
Schauer’s Garden, quarters for 1st tr.*, 229, 337, 365
Scheer, Count Truchses (chamberlain) of, deputy in Salzburg, 263
Scheidberger, Scheitberger. See Schaitberger
Schemnitz (Schemnits, Chemnits), city in Upper Austria*, 25, 243, 252, 270, 282
Schick, Mr., clerk of his Majesty’s privy council, 224
Schiessgraben, shooting field at Augsburg, 227, 228, 337
Schmidt, Johann, 3rd tr., 592
__________ Catherine (wife), 3rd tr., 592
__________ Jacques (Jacob, son), 3rd tr., 592
Schönberg, Mr. von, Saxon* envoy, 558
Schönegger, George, exile from Goldeck*, 457, 458
Schoppacher, Ruprecht, 2nd tr., 482, 580
__________ Maria (wife) 2nd tr., 482, 501, 536, 580
__________ Margaretha (daughter), 2nd tr., 406, 482, 580
Schorer, Mr., intendent of the prebends, Augsburg*, 317, 318, 332, 334, 336
Schrecking (Schrieking), place in Pintzgau*, 367
Schumacher, Mr., chaplain with 1st tr., to Rotterdam, 69, 88, 354, 359, 363, 364, 379, 384, 403, 404
Schwab, Sibilla, 2nd tr., 483
Schwaigger, Anna, 2nd tr., 580
__________ Jerg (George), 1st tr., 366, 368, 373, 413
Schwaighofer, Paul, 1st tr., 319, 366, 368, 372, 373, 412
__________ Margaretha (wife), 1st tr., 366, 412
__________ Maria (daughter), 1st tr., 366, 412
__________ Thomas (son), 1st tr., 366, 412
__________ Ursula (daughter), 1st tr., 366, 412
Schwandel. See Geschwandel*
Schwarzenburg, principality of, 466
Schweckhofer. See Schwaighofer
Schweikert, Christian, footman and cook to Ph. von Reck* 89, 396, 408, 412
Schweitzer, von, burgomaster of Frankfurt*, 381, 436
Scott, Capt., master of the Anna Maria* 188
Seckendorf, General Count of, commander at Mainz*, 596
Seigel, Simon, locksmith imprisoned at Klagenfurt*, 474
Seiler, Mr., clerk of the cathedral at Strassburg, 264
Serau, Count von, governor of the Saltmines in Salzkammergut*, 445, 447, 450, 477
Sheftal, Benjamin, 600 n35
Scholler (Sholler), Lorentz, bailiff in Carinthia*, 288, 289
Shomaker. See Schumacher*
Shooters* Field. See Schiessgraben*
Shubick, Capt., 218
Shute, Governor (apparently William Shute, Viscount of Barrington), 70, 91, 108, 468
Sigel, Simon, prisoner at Raab*, 560
Silesia (most of it still Austrian), 474, 526, 535, 577
Simonds et Frères, merchants in London, 491, 499, 542
Simonds, Peter, owner of Prince of Wales*, 74, 75, 81, 83, 107, 121, 122, 125, 126, 131, 132, 135, 156, 163, 180, 185, 218, 219, 394, 396, 502
Simonds, ship carrying Bohemians* and Indians to Georgia, 173, 175, 178, 180, 187, 192, 597
Sintzendorf, Cardinal of, 267
Sluys (Sluis), town near Cadzand*, 315, 317
Smith (Smyth), Dr., provost of Queen’s College, Oxford, 99, 100, 102
Snelling, Capt., 188
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, missionary society in London, 1 and passim
Society for Propagating the Gospel (SPG), 107
Soder and Man, Bishop of (Thomas Wilson), benefactor, 255
Solothurn, Swiss town, 46, 357
Somerset, Capt., master of the Carolina*, 219, 220
Somerset House, residence of the Duke of Somerset, 69, 71
Sommerbredt, John, Bohemian* Protestant, 507, 510, 512
South Carolina, colony bordering Georgia, 34, 40
Spain, war with, 220
Spaltrian (?), place in Carinthia* (See Spateria), 550
Spangenberg, August Gottlieb, leader of Georgia Moravians*, 15, 150, 151, 152, 177, 489, 581, 584
Spangenberger, author of religious works, 289
Spaniards, rumors about, 197, 210, 213, 214
Specifications (passenger lists), 366, 412, 482, 593
Spateria (?), place near Klagenfurt*, (See Spaltrian* and Patria*), 510
SPCK. See Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge*
Spielbiegler, Rosina, 3rd tr., 593
Stahremberg, regiment of, 263
States General, parliament of Netherlands, 9, 33, 36, 272, 276
Steiner, Christian (of Hoff in Gastein), 1st tr., 319, 366, 368, 372, 413, 580
__________ Ruprecht and his wife, 2nd tr,. 482
__________ Simon and his wife, 2nd tr., 483
Steward, Capt., commander of the Godolphin, 212
Stockham upon Heath (Stockheim auf der Heide?) in Saalfelden*, 367, 369
Stockmeyer, Mr. of Stuttgart, 500
Stralsund, city on Baltic, 526
Strasswalchen, town on frontier between Salzburg and Upper Austria*, 459
Stratemann, author of Theatrum Historium, 376
Stubenrauch, member of privy council at Mainz, 490
Stuchlebner, Elisabeth, returnee from Berlin, arrested in St. Johannes*, 511
Stuttgart, city in Württemberg, 481, 500
Styria (Steyria, Steier), province in Austria, 338, 377, 383, 450
Swabia (Suabia), province around Augsburg*, 259, 265
Swedish ambassador, 237
Swedish Church in London, 58, 599 nl7
Symonds. See Simonds
Tauber River, tributary of the Main*, 352
Tefferegger. See Defereggen Valley*
Terwin, Mr., of Amsterdam, 500
Thiele, Swiss river, 342
Thielow. See Tilo*
Thilo, Christian Ernst, apothecary at Ebenezer*, 208, 209, 211, 215, 216
Thomas, Capt. John, master of the London Merchant*, 173, 177
Thompson, Capt. William, master of the Two Brothers*, 129, 132, 133, 171, 174, 176, 180, 183, 184, 191, 196, 214, 215, 217, 219, 220, 491, 492, 497, 499
Thorold, Mr. John, benefactor, friend of Whitefield*, 195, 214
Thubrick, Capt., 218
Thurn, Count of, deputy in Salzburg, 263
Tillard, William, treasurer of SPCK* for Salzburgers, 7, 24, 25, 78, 92 and passim
Tirnbergers (Dürnberger), exiles from Dürenberg who went to Cadzand*, 9, 30, 31, 33, 51, 88, 98, 100, 101, 236, 237 and passim
Tirol. See Tyrol
Tlaska, John, Bohemian* Protestant, 506
Tobler, John, mathematician of Appenzell*, 15, 555, 556
__________ (father of above), 557
Tomochichi (Tomo Chachi), Indian chief, 119, 125, 146, 163, 460, 501
Tompson. See Thompson
Tranquebar, scene of Lutheran missions in India, 87, 95, 230, 424, 457
Transylvania, province of Hungary, now in Romania, 206, 463, 478
Trickel, Thomas, Salzburger child living with Urlsperger*, 239, 419
Trient, Bishop of, 267
True Christianity (Vom wahren Christentum) Dietistic treatise by Arnd*, 376
Trustees for Establishing a Colony in Georgia, 8, 29, 35, 51, 59, 73, 94 and passim
Tübingen, university town, 297, 526
Two Brothers, ship carrying 2nd tr., to Gravesend, 129, 131, 132, 133, 144, 184, 191, 192, 196, 214, 215, 216, 217, 220, 319, 390, 492, 497, 500
Tyrol, province west of Salzburg, now in Austria, 264
Ulm, city in Swabia, 319
Upper Austria, region immediately east of Salzburg. See Salzkammergut*
Upper Hungary, area now in Czechoslovakia, passim
Urlsperger, Samuel, Senior Pastor at Augsburg*, 7 and passim
Valogne, Col., 70, 91, 108, 342, 422, 468
Vat, Jean, conductor of 2nd tr., 6, 14, 46, 56, 63 and passim
Vaudois. See Piedmontese*
Vegetable Statics, book by Stephen Hales*, 73, 142, 374
Venediger, General, Russian general in Persia, 357
Verelst, Harman, Trustee*, 123, 144, 173, 174, 180, 189, 191, 199, 496, 504
Vernon, James, Trustee*, member of SPCK*, 7, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 39 and passim
Vienna, capital of Austria, 188 and passim
Vienna, Protestant congregation at, 237
Virginia, letters for, 37
Vogel friess oder Stirb (Vriss Vogel), Catholic tract, 376, 377
Vogt, Rev., Protestant pastor of Schemnitz* in Hungary, 282
Wagrain town in Salzburg, 335
Wake, Dr. William, archbishop of Canterbury, author of catechism, 374
Walch, John, shopkeeper in Tirnberg*, 266
Waldensians (Waldenses), followers of Peter Waldo, Protestants of Savoy, 3, 342, 392
Waller, Col., 197
Wallerstein, tailor from, 264
Walpergen, General von, 335
Walsh (Walsch), Prof. J. of Jena, 437
Waneck, Rev. Mr., pastor at Grosshernnersdorf*, 590
War of Jenkin’s Ear, 600 n59
War of the Polish Succession, 70
Warmbrand, Regiment of, 263
Watt, Nicolas, nephew of John Vat*, 501
Weidner, Rev., senior pastor in Augsburg*, 498
Weimar (Weymar), duchy in central Germany, 435
Weisiger (Wisiger, Weisinger), Mr. Daniel, German from Pennsylvania, 129, 130, 131, 132, 600 n38
Weismeyer (Weysmeyer, Wismeyer), G: councilor at Ratisbon* 457, 465
Welau, town in Prussia*, 258
Wenndrich (Wenndrick), son-in-law of Urlsperger*, 59, 331, 562
Werfen, town in Salzburg, 260, 265, 266, 335
Wernigerode, city in Saxony*, 353
Wertheim, city on the Main*, 343, 380, 486
Wesley, Charles, 178, 185, 204, 518
__________ John, 177, 178, 185, 194, 196, 198, 201, 203, 204, 207, 212, 214, 518
__________ Samuel, Sr., 514, 517, 518, 519
__________ Samuel, Jr., 518
West, Mr. (probably John, 3rd bailiff of Savannah), 581
West Indies (included Georgia), 279, 374, 602 n51
Westphalia, Peace of, guarantor of religious freedom, 4, 238, 241, 244, 262, 345, 430, 599 n5, 601 n25, 603 n76 and 79
Whitefield, George, missionary to Georgia, 213, 215, 216, 218, 219
Whitehall Evening Post, a journal, 33
Whitelamb, John, son-in-law of Samuel Wesley, Sr.*, 515, 517
Wick, Dutch town on Rhine, 491
Wilbenst (area in Austria?), 445
William of Orange, king of England, 2
Wilson (Willson), Rev. Thomas, 41, 78, 102, 103, 104, 129, 130, 131, 147, 181, 390, 469
Wimber, leather dresser at court of Salzburg, 268
Windhausen, home of Ph. von Reck*, 145
Windischmark, place in Hungary*, 376
Windsheim, city on the Aisch near Rothenburg*, 430
Winterthur, Swiss city, 357
Wise, Lutheran pastor in Siberia, 356
Wiseger. See Weisiger
Wolf, Mr., benefactor in Augsburg*, 229
Wolters, D., English king’s agent at Rotterdam, 5, 56, 64, 65, 67, 80, 120, 121, 122, 126, 129, 130, 133, 143, 144, 172, 387, 486, 491, 493
Wrick, Mr., official at Wick*, 491
Wroot, home of John Whitelamb, 515
Wurndel, Tobias, messenger from Tirnbergers* to Ratisbon*, 254
Württemberg, German province, 451
Würzburg, city on the Main*, 380, 466
Wusterhuss. See Königs
Wusterhausen Wuttgenau, General, 556
Yoakley, Capt., master of the James*, 160, 161, 162, 184
Zand, Bartholomeus, 2nd tr., 483
Zeeland, province in Netherlands settled by Tirnbergers*, 54, 237
Zeigenhagen. See Ziegenhagen
Zeitz, town in Saxony*, 301, 303
Zell, territory in Hanover*, 284, 299, 602 n58
Zeller, place in Lainthal*, 367
Zellerseld, place in Hanover*, 201, 207
Ziegenhagen, Friedrich Michael, chaplain of royal (Lutheran) chapel, 7, 13, 18 and passim
Zittrauer (Zietrauer), Paulus, 2nd tr., 483
__________ Ruprecht. 2nd tr., 483
Ziller Valley, valley in Salzburg and Tyrol*, 264
Zillerberg, Salzburg deputy at Ratisbon*, 232
Zimmermann, Ruprecht, 2nd tr., 483
Zinzendorf, Count Nicolaus Ludwig von, leader of Bohemian Brothers*, 15, 150, 152, 488, 525, 526, 527, 562, 581, 594
Zittau, town in Saxony, 251, 289
Zublin, Mr., citizen of St. Gall*, 556, 568
Zugseisen, Maria. See Riser, Maria
Zurhurst, John Hermann, Swiss merchant in London, 142, 149, 150, 154, 418, 500
Zurich, Swiss city, 67, 342, 357
Zwiffler, Andreas, apothecary at Ebenezer*, from Hungary*, 56, 90, 137, 176, 191, 195, 203, 205, 327, 339, 349, 382, 384, 404, 412, 489, 595
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